Shock Coffee Triple Latte Energy Blend Iced Coffee, 15-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12) Reviews
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Shock Coffee Triple Latte Energy Blend Iced Coffee, 15-Ounce Cans (Pack of 12) Feature
- No Taurine, No Ginseng, Just great tasting coffee?.. Energy for the Coffee drinker, and Coffee for the Energy drinker
- iced coffee
- coffee
- energy coffee
- latte
Shock Coffee Drinks(tm) deliver you the best tasting ready-to-drink coffee beverages in the world, packed in the coolest looking cans around. Our Triple Mocha & Triple Latte will most certainly get your rocks off...we're talking up to 50% more caffeine than other gourmet coffee's. An independent evaluation by found our Shock Triple Mocha to be the best tasting coffee drink on the market, with Shock Triple Latte in a close second! We can't keep enough of them cold in our own offices!
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May 30, 2011 20:47:15
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